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at 10:30am!

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Next Service

All Music: Faith in Human Goodness

WES’s Statement of Purpose proclaims our faith in human goodness—but that faith isn’t always easy to sustain. When our trust in our fellow humans falters, can the beauty and power of music help us restore it? Please join the WES Chorus and Band for a special all-music platform.

Our Stories

Deepening Circles gives me a chance to hear people in a unique way. The people are not my spouse, my kids, my co-workers, or my friends. We  talk about topics that I don’t talk about in normal life–like “how have I healed?”, “things I’ve learned from people I didn’t expect to learn anything from,” (e.g., the value of sports-talk radio), and “what makes each of us worthy”.  Even from people I would never have selected to have extended conversations with, I get to hear how they think and feel, how some of them have remarkable experiences I could never have imagined, and sometimes they say things that spark an insight about who I am.