Letters to Amanda

The team working to coordinate Amanda’s 10 Year Celebration is creating a keepsake for her. They are compiling notes from WES folks to Amanda. These notes can be drawings, letters, pictures, or anything that can be put into a photo album! We hope you’ll consider sending in something to be included. We invite you to send your messages to Robyn at robynk@ethicalsociety.org between now and July 31.

Wedding photos… Spring Festival Photos… Auction Photos… We hope you’ll share your memories for this special book!


Here’s a sampling of one letter…

Dearest Amanda

I do not think the WES community would have allowed me to be part of the Search Committee if they had known that I regarded our most enlightened cat, Glenda, as my spiritual leader when I applied for a position on the Committee…..

…Thank you, Amanda, for answering that position we advertised so many years ago.  Thank you for accepting the position as our Senior Leader. Glenda gives you the nod and thanks you as well.

In admiration and gratitude,
