WES ARAOMC Discussions

Dear WES,
I am writing on behalf of the ARAOMC Assessment team. We appreciate your engagement with us during the membership meeting. We are looking forward to hosting the discussion groups that we announced at the meeting. We have heard feedback that our roll out of the discussion groups was done too quickly for people to arrange their schedules to attend.
We were excited about the groups and wanted to get the ball rolling quickly. It appears that we moved too quickly. We are rescheduling the discussion groups to January and February. The Assessment team are reviewing their personal schedules to determine those exact dates.
The topics for those conversations are:
  • January 13 – Discussion 1: What Is The Culture Of WES?
  • January 20 – Discussion 2- Defining Our Terms: Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Systemic Racism.
  • January 27 – Discussion 3: How to Build Effective Partnerships In Anti-Oppression Work?
  • February 3 – Discussion 4: What Has Helped You Grow In The Past/ How Can WES Help You Be Active?
Thank you for your enthusiasm. We look forward to engaging in this work together. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at zebg@ethicalsociety.org
All the best,
Zeb Green
Clergy Intern.