WES hosts humanist events–support us with your house!

WES is so excited to be hosting two special events in the humanist world at the end of March–and we’d love your support. These are ways for us to show our connection to both religious and secular humanists across the country! 

March 24 – Platform will feature four humanist clergy and clergy-in-training from different traditions, each speaking about their journey toward humanism

March 25-26 – WES will host the Humanist Clergy & Organizer Collaboratory (co-founded by Senior Leader Amanda Poppei), bringing together UU ministers, Ethical Culture Leaders, humanistic rabbis, and this year secular organizers to think Big Thoughts together! You can help by:

March 30 – WES will host the American Humanist Association’s conference, Centering the Margins: A Summit for BIPOC and LGBTQ Nontheists.      

Thank you for helping WES to be ever more connected to the broader humanist community!