What to Expect
Being a Humanist Congregation, we often hear that folks are looking for community, a place where they can gather with like-minded people to share in the joys and sorrows of life together. While we have members of all faiths, we follow the motto “deed before creed”, in other words, we care much more about how you treat others and give you space to believe whatever feels right for you.
Every Sunday, we gather online and in-person at 10:30am for a Platform Service. You can find our Zoom webinar at tiny.cc/wesplatform. We love guests and visitors! You’re always welcome at our Platform Services!
Following the Platform Service, there is also a social hour in person. Folks gather in the lobby and outside to catch up with each other and just hang out.
There are also other meetings that are open to guests and visitors, not just on Sundays but throughout the week. We invite you to check out our full calendar at https://ethicalsociety.org/blog/calendar/.

The Platform Services experiences online are on zoom in “webinar” mode. That means you won’t be on camera for Platform! Coming in person? Folks usually attend in casual attire, though some people like to dress up as a way of making this gathering special.
We also invite you to listen to our previous platforms. We have a bunch of platforms from recent years and going back to the 1960’s on our Sound Cloud page:
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