We had a good turnout last Sunday for our book on “Other Minds” as exemplified by the octopus’ intelligence. During the meeting, a couple of people asked our presenter, Don Mcrae for the slides. Don provided them to me and you should be able to get them from my DropBox with this link.
For our next book, I’ve selected a short interesting book about plants. “The Incredible Journey of Plants” by Stefano Manscuso. This is a lighter read than many books we’ve tackled so it would be a good one to suggest to any friends who might want to try out our book group.
The next meeting is July 9th.
The Incredible Journey of Plants by Stefano Manscuso.
What’s in a good summer book? Travelogues, adventure, maybe some mystery? All of that in one book? You can have it all with the WES Biology Book group’s light summer reading choice for our July 9th meeting: “The Incredible Journey of Plants” by Stefano Manscuso. In a book that should appeal to nature lovers, history buffs and certainly gardeners, Manscuso gives a light treatment to a significant topic – the travels of plants around the world. Read when and how plants migrated and how people treated the newcomers. Follow the dramatic siege of Masada and learn how it relates to date palms. Speculate on the mystery of where the first coconut palm grew. Admire the difficult and dangerous travels of 19th century naturalists.
Manscuso’s writing is light and accessible if colored charmingly by the fact the author thinks and writes in Italian – translated to English there are operatic overtones. Enjoy the book if you have the time. Please feel free, in any case, to join our discussion on Zoom. Our meetings are announced from an email list that you can join from this link. (unsubscribe anytime
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