The April theme packet can be found here.
April Emergence Platforms:
April 1
“Becoming Wise: A Fool’s Journey Through Life” Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. Sometimes we refer to world religions as “wisdom traditions”–but do they always reward the wise? Exploring the concepts of Beginner’s Mind in Zen Buddhism and the concept of the “holy fool,” Amanda will invite us to consider what it takes to emerge from life wiser than we began…and whether life might not be one big joke. Music from singer/songwriter LEA.
April 8
“Becoming Whole: A Humanist Response to Suffering” Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. What happens when we experience deep pain–grief, loss, betrayal? Traditional religions might tell us there is a plan or a purpose to our pain. What does humanism have to say about how we emerge from the deepest struggles of our lives, and what, if any, meaning do we take from them? Music from the WES Chorus.
April 15
“Becoming Just: Building an Anti-Opressive Community,” Zeb Green, Clergy Intern. This Sunday we will explore what it means to be a justice building community. Justice and anti-oppression work is an ongoing process, always on the cusp, always emerging. It is work that keeps going and has no finish line. We find justice through the continuous struggle to live it.
April 22
April 29
Song for Emergence:
Artist’s Statement:
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