The 2024 WES Auction will take place Saturday, November 16 starting at 6:00 pm

Please make your donations now! The auction can’t succeed without your donations.

Do you have items you no longer use that others might pay good money for?

What could you procure from a favorite store or make with your own two hands to donate?

Are there services or skills you could provide or teach?

Brunch, lunch, dinner, cocktail party, movie night, game night, or outing you could host?

Theater, dance, concert or other tickets or destination passes you could score?

Vacation houses you could offer?

No item is too small or too big! 

Please submit donation information using this online form.  

If you have any awesome/random/lovely/practical/festive items that could be incorporated into a themed gift basket, please bring them to WES and drop them off in the Auction Donation box or coordinate with Cayo Gamber (, our resident basket wizard, to donate them.

The auction website will be available soon for you to buy your tickets, reserve babysitting, and see all the details!