A Kwanzaa Celebration with FFOIP

On December 26, 2017, WES is proud to be hosting Friends and Family of Incarcerated People for their annual Kwanzaa celebration. We invite you to read below, a letter from FFOIP coordinator Stuart Anderson: Habari Gani is the official greeting during Kwanzaa it is a Ky Swahili phrase meaning what’s the word or news. Swahili … Continue reading A Kwanzaa Celebration with FFOIP

WES Blog — Connections at WES

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a minister colleague whose congregation–like WES–has experienced significant growth in the last couple of years. We were talking about how to design programming for new member engagement, how to manage two platform services…you know, all that exciting stuff clergy talk about! I was especially eager to talk … Continue reading WES Blog — Connections at WES

December’s Theme: Hope

December’s Theme is Hope. The theme packet can be found Hope. December Sunday Platform Addresses December 3 9:30am & 11:30am — “Should We Keep Hope Alive?” Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. What does it mean to have hope in the world today? Is it a good idea–or even possible? Amanda will explore the interaction of lamentation, solidarity, … Continue reading December’s Theme: Hope

Secular Social Justice 2018

In a global climate in which the sociopolitical disenfranchisement of people of color remains acute, the Secular Social Justice Conference is a humanist-centered response to the continued marginalization of issues disproportionately impacting communities of color.   Secular Social Justice was pioneered by feminist humanist activist Sikivu Hutchinson. According to Hutchinson, it was developed because “neither organized atheism nor organized humanism have … Continue reading Secular Social Justice 2018

Winter Festival Update

Winter Festival is almost here! We are all excited for our annual celebration of the values of peace, hope, love, joy, and giving. And it won’t be the same without YOU there. Here’s how to participate: Attend either (or both!) “performances“–special gatherings of story and song, featuring a story written by Marty Kaufman and the … Continue reading Winter Festival Update