Children’s Garden Update

The garden is going gangbusters!! Check out the corn . Last week, we delivered over 15 lbs of produce to Shepherd’s Table. We got to meet Manny De La Rosa, lead chef!! That haul included the last of the lettuce, basil, mint and patty pan squashes (big ones!!). This week we harvested our first tomatoes and…wait … Continue reading Children’s Garden Update

Border Witness Trip with Cedar Lane UU

Members and friends are invited to join a Border Witness Trip hosted by Cedar Lane UU Church this October. Participants will walk the immigrant trails, meet with grassroots leaders, attend deportation hearings, visit immigrants held in federal detention centers, and return transformed! Organized by the UU College of Social Justice, the program includes pre-trip gatherings … Continue reading Border Witness Trip with Cedar Lane UU

WES Members Support Sanctuary Rally at the White House

On June 1, 200 people rallied at the White House to speak out against new deportations that are destroying the families of non-criminal immigrants.  The crowd consisted of members and supporters of CASA, the leading advocate for immigrants in the D.C. area, members of Sanctuary DMV, an organization representing over 90 congregations that WES is … Continue reading WES Members Support Sanctuary Rally at the White House

June’s Theme: Zest

The theme for the month of June is Zest. The theme packet can be found on the WES website at   Below is WES’s 2016-2017 Theme Artist Carol Clayton’s photo and statement: This was, perhaps, the easiest of all the images I produced this year, in that it always came to mind when I thought … Continue reading June’s Theme: Zest