RRT Welcomes Proceeds from WES Tonight

Refugee Resettlement Team Welcomes Proceeds from WES Tonight If you already have your tickets or you plan to see WES Tonight (WEStonight.eventbrite.com) on Saturday, the Refugee Resettlement Team will have you to thank for helping finance this important initiative. While our progress in welcoming a newly arriving refugee family has been temporarily interrupted, we are … Continue reading RRT Welcomes Proceeds from WES Tonight

WES Tonight! Tickets Now on Sale

WES Tonight! is a Washington Ethical Society produced and performed variety show on March 11. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. And in our current climate, laughter may be just the thing to inspire and empower us as we continue our #resistance work!WES Tonight Tickets are $30 each in advance (westonight.eventbrite.com). The suggested ticket price … Continue reading WES Tonight! Tickets Now on Sale

March’s Theme: Risk

The theme for the month of March is Risk. The theme packet can be found at: http://ethicalsociety.org/sundaymorning/theme-packets/. As we dive into our examination of Risk, the platform topics are: March 5 — “Risking It All for the World” Congressman Jamie Raskin, joined by Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. Join Rep. Raskin as he imagines what the world could look … Continue reading March’s Theme: Risk

Join the Welcome Team!

As we continue to see growth at WES, we are so thankful for our Sunday morning volunteers that make everything run smoothly. One of the groups that has been there every step of the way is the Welcome Team. Coordinated by Shan Evans, the Welcome Team staffs a table before each platform. They help visitors … Continue reading Join the Welcome Team!

Great News from WES’s Sister Community, El Rodeo, El Salvador

Buenas tardes Amigos y amigas de WES como están?  Good afternoon WES friends, how are you? Es un gusto saludarles de nuevo y pues a la misma aprovechar para compartir con ustedes algunos avances en la gestión de la comunidad, para solventar problemas de nuestra comunidad. It is a pleasure to greet you again and … Continue reading Great News from WES’s Sister Community, El Rodeo, El Salvador

Community Sunday & Platform Parties

2017 COMMUNITY PLATFORM & PLEDGE PARTIES Community Platform: Sunday, March 5 at 9:30 and 11:30am Rep. Jamie Raskin will be our guest speaker at the March 5 Community Platform, discussing how WES is positioned to respond to our current political situation. The Community Platform and Pledge Parties will replace the Community Dinner that WES has traditionally held in the spring. The … Continue reading Community Sunday & Platform Parties

WES Unveils a New Website

If you’ve visited www.ethicalsociety.org in the past week, you may have noticed it looks really different! WES has updated our website and moved to a new design. If you browse around the site, you’ll find a new and improved calendar. From any page, simply select “News” and then “Events” to be taken straight to the calendar. … Continue reading WES Unveils a New Website

Global Connection Summer Trip Applications!

El Rodeo amigos, don’t miss your chance to join us on this life affirming adventure! The deadline to apply for this summer’s delegation to El Salvador is March 1st. Applications may be picked up in the WES office, or download the GC Application 2017!!! You are the one we’ve been waiting for!