Greetings WES Members,
The Fall Membership Meeting is coming up on Sunday, October 30, 2022, from 12:20 pm to 2:00 pm in person and via Zoom. The meeting will provide an opportunity for a board update and to hear our first Senior Leader Report from KC!
Plus, it will be preceded by the Golden Spoon Cookie Contest!
I encourage you to attend the meeting in person if possible, as our technology still does not make seamless participation available virtually. However, you may also attend virtually via this link: http://tiny.cc/wesmembershipmeeting.
You have already received information about the Lay Leadership Development Committee (LLDC) election. Please contact the LLDC at lldc@ethicalsociety.org if you have questions about voting.
Please visit the Membership Meeting Materials page for all the latest updates as we prepare for the meeting. The password is the same as for the Member Access portion of the website; if you need this password, please contact Robyn Kravitz (robynk@ethicalsociety.org).
If you have any specific agenda items you would like to see discussed at this meeting, please let me know by emailing moderator@ethicalsociety.org by Saturday, October 22. According to our bylaws, the fall membership meeting is the right time for members to present proposals for WES to adopt specific positions on issues of public interest. If there is not enough time for a full discussion of proposals received, we will hold a brief discussion, following up with further information via email and scheduling another meeting as needed.
In Community,
Sonja Kueppers, Membership Meeting Moderator
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