January’s Theme: Integrity

Integrity stems from the Latin word ‘integer’ which means whole and complete. So integrity requires an inner sense of ‘wholeness’ and consistency of character. When you are in integrity, people should be able to visibly see it through your actions, words, decisions, methods, and outcomes. When you are ‘whole’ and consistent, there is only one you. You bring that same you wherever you are, regardless of the circumstance. You don’t leave parts of yourself behind. —So-Young Kang (read more here)

We will explore Integrity through the following platforms:

  • January– “New Year, Same Old You” Amanda Poppei and Laura Solomon, music from the WES band.
  • January 12 – “Feet of Clay” Amanda Poppei, music from All Souls’ Jubilee Singers.
  • January 19 – “The Lonely Life of a Hero: MLK Sunday” Amanda Poppei, music from the WES chorus.
  • January 26 – “A Life of Integrity” Amanda Poppei with a special guest–watch your email for an announcement

Our song of the month is “I Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty–have a listen and learn the lyrics here! You can also check out a full playlist on Integrity on Spotify and YouTube.

On January 5 we will share our story of the month, The Wise Old Teacher. You can read a version here.

This month’s theme packet, which is available to members of WES, includes readings, poems, exercises, and suggestions of movies and books that explore the theme. It can be found here, using the password for the members’ access section (available from the office).

We will explore the theme through an adult education class titled “Systems Thinking for Work, Relationships, and Life” led by Amanda Poppei. This class (Thursday, January 30th at 7pm) invites us to learn about boundaries and self-differentiation, and how to stay true to ourselves while also staying in relationship with others.
Our share the plate recipient is ReThink, a DC-based organization which “engages in primary prevention of sexual assault by working with young men and boys to break down the cultural norms that underpin sexual violence.”

We invite you to reflect at home with your friends, family, and children throughout the month on the question: When today did you make a conscious choice to do the right thing?

If you post pictures or thoughts on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, make sure to use the hashtag #WESintegrity.

Thank you for exploring the theme of Integrity with us throughout January!