Join the Biology Reading Group!

The Hidden Third of the Interdependent Web of All Existence

If you understand that the existence of plants and animals are inseparably bound up in an interdependent web, you’ve got two thirds of it right. The past and present masters of living webs, however, are the missing third, the fungi. 

The Biology Reading group is a long-running book reading group that focuses on recent books in the area of life-sciences. This book group is organized by WES members but welcomes non-members as well.  

At our next Zoom meeting on Sunday July 10th at 1pm, we will be discussing a new book “Entangled Life – How Fungi Make Up Our World, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Future”. Usually, we announce the books through a mail-list. But I thought I’d make a wider announcement this month because there is an opportunity to get an overview of the content of the book from YouTube – no reading necessary. If you’d like to grab this opportunity while it passes, please do, and please consider attending our Zoom meeting on the topic. If you want to receive notices of future book group meetings, please sign up for the mailings at : 

There are two YouTube videos:

“What Was the First Fungus” runs for an hour and is paced similarly to the documentaries in the “Nature” series on PBS. It touches on essentially the same points as the book “Entangled Life”. Of course, the book has much more detail – but fewer pictures. If that is too long for you…
“How Fungi Made All Life on Land Possible” summarizes the previous in just 10 minutes! Admittedly it omits a few things but perhaps this short video could be your gate-way drug for this fascinating topic.