March’s Theme is Balance. The theme packet can be found here.
March’s Sunday Platform Addresses — 9:30 & 11:30am
Sunday, March 4
“Balanced Checkbook, Balanced Life” Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. Remember the little register in the front of your checkbook, before we paid for everything online? Those entries meant more than just whether you had money in your checking account. How we spend our money each month–and how we spend the hours in our day, too–is a microcosm of how we spend our lives. Join Amanda as she examines what it takes to live a “balanced” life. Music from Johnnie Buzek and friends.
Sunday, March 11
“Balancing Our Identities,” Zeb Green, Clergy Intern. Join Clergy intern Zeb Green as he reflects on balancing the dynamics of coming from a Unitarian Universalist background with serving a dually-affiliated Ethical Society. We all carry multiple identities and struggle when they conflict with each other. How do we learn to balances these different perspectives while remaining true to ourselves and our communities? Music from WES Chorus.
Sunday, March 18
“Balance,” Jé Hooper. Come hang out with The Revolutionary Jé Hooper in a practice-based platform on the topic of “BALANCE”. This interactive platform explores socio-emotional balance through rasaboxes, an ancient Sanskrit performance theory entitled ‘Natyasastra’. Prepare for an expressive Olympia, where we are in training to become “athlete(s) of emotions.” Jé will highlight emotional capacities and vulnerability of vast altitudes from pacifism to extremism. Through these practices we will observe critical ways of ethical engagement and emotional intelligence to ensure balance of heart and mind. Together we will combine the use of social powers and emotional affect, learning healthy positionally in remaining grounded and finding balance.
Sunday, March 25
“Wobbly Legs and New Dreams: Spring Festival” Join us for this annual celebration of all that is new in the world–from babies to baby goats, from dreams to action. We will engage in our special traditions and also explore the balance that it takes to make the first move in life. Sure to be a beautiful Sunday, including naming the tiniest members of our community. Bring a flower for the flower arch, and join us for cake and mimosas at 11am.
Artist Statement
-Donna Radner, WES’ 2017-2018 Theme Artist
A tip from the Earth Ethics Team:
We challenge you to find a more earth-friendly balance as you move around the city! #WESbalance
Have you car-pooled to WES or anywhere else lately? [and the S2 or S9 bus can take you close to WES from the Silver Spring Metro station – as per www.wmata.com ]
Reminder: The fewer car trips, the less air pollution contributing to climate change. Currently, 27% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are due to transportation.
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