Portal Run Stream Cleanup Details

This Upcoming Sunday is the Portal Run of Rock Creek Stream Clean Up

 Fall 2023 Portal Run of Rock Creek Stream Clean UpOctober 29, 202310 am- 12 pm
This event will happen for all SEEK classes. There will be no indoor classes on this date.
All SEEK Families and students are invited to join!

SEEK students & families will meet in the Double Classrooms downstairs at 9:40 am and then start our walk to the location at 9:45 am. Please dress appropriately for the weather.

SEEK students and families will depart at 11:30 am to return to WES.

We will meet the Earth Ethics Action Team members about 10am -along South Portal Drive near Primrose Street NW. https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9887001,-77.0405859,323m/data=!3m1!1e3

Student Service Learning hours can be earned by middle and high school kids. Bring forms with you. Come for as long as you can. You may invite family & friends (age 8 & up), but forms (below) must accompany!

·         Earth Ethics Points of Contacts & Leads for the Project:John Kester cell: 240-274-0611 Email: John.Kester@earthlink.net,orTerry Smith tlsmt450@gmail.com cell: 202-304-4508
·         BSA Troop Point of Contact:Sonja Kueppers scoutmaster1123@gmail.com (301) 675-6400t
·         WES SEEK/youth POC:  Ndara Miles ndaram@ethicalsociety.org 

Do stay in sight of others. Masks optional when congregating within 6 feet.
Polluted water contact is a known hazard. We don’t want anyone getting wet in the stream or falling on rocks. (ticks and poison ivy are possible.)
Dress for the weather of the day, wear protective clothing, off trail hiking boots, old shoes or if you might get in the creek -rubber boots. Wear long sleeves, long pants
Gloves, collection bags and a limited number of reach-grabbers will be provided. Although bags will be provided, bringing smaller bags with carry handles for collecting will be helpful. Smaller bags are easier to carry and can be reused after separating recycle & trash into larger bags.
Please complete the attached permission forms and give to Mr. John Kester. Both Rock Creek Conservancy and the National Park service ask participants to sign their two different liability waivers. Forms will be available on-site. – – -or use attached.
OF301a for work in NPS National Park area Volunteer Service Agreement fill-able (First page is for all adult Volunteers, Second page is Parental Consent for participants under age 18).
Second form is Rock Creek Conservancy Participant Waiver of Liability & Release, print and fill lines on 2nd page (Parent signs for minors under 18). Forms will be available on-siteGoogle does not show official park boundaries, but NPS map (attached) does.
Afterward, we want to get pictures of participants! We will take bags back to collection area behind WES.

Please click the links below to access documents:
Rock Creek Conservancy Participant Waiver of Liability and Release
NPS 301 Waiver; 2nd page for Minors