Saturday Nov. 6th, 2021 about 2 hours, 10am to noon
Meet about 10am -along South Portal Drive near Primrose Street NW.,-77.0405859,323m/data=!3m1!1e3
Leaders will be there about 9:45am.

Student Service Learning hours can be earned by middle and high school kids. Bring forms with you. Come for as long as you can. You may invite family & friends (age 12 & up), but forms (below) must accompany!
Ø Earth Ethics Points of Contacts & Leads for the Project: John Kester cell: 240-274-0611 Email:, or Terry Smith cell: 202-304-4508
Ø BSA Troop Point of Contact: Sonja Kueppers (301) 675-6400
Ø WES Teens POC: Linda Irizarry (347) 596-2432
£ Masks will be used when congregating within 6 feet.
£ Polluted water contact is a known hazard, ticks and poison ivy may still exist. We don’t want anyone getting wet in the stream or falling.
£ Dress for the weather of the day, wear protective clothing, off trail hiking boots, old shoes or if you might get in the creek -rubber boots. Wear long sleeves, long pants

v To be provided: Gloves, bags and a limited number of reach-grabbers. Although bags will be provided, bringing smaller bags with handles 2 each for collecting separate recycle & trash will be helpful. Smaller bags are easier to carry and can be reused after consolidating into larger bags. (large bags not as easy to walk with)
Please complete the attached permission forms and give to Mr. John Kester. Both Rock Creek Conservancy and the National Park service ask participants to sign their two different liability waivers. Forms will be available on-site. – – -or use attached.
£ OF301a for work in NPS National Park area Volunteer Service Agreement fill-able (First page is for all adult Volunteers, Second page is Parental Consent for participants under age 18).
£ Second form is Rock Creek Conservancy Participant Waiver of Liability & Release, print and fill lines on 2nd page (Parent signs for minors under 18). Forms will be available on-site
Google does not show official park boundaries, but NPS map (attached) does.
Afterward, we need to dispose of what we collect in proper trash or recycle pickup containers.
We will take bags back to collection area behind WES.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
/John Kester
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