Save the Date — CRC Upcoming Workshop

Opening Our Minds, Hearts and Doors

The Community Relations Committee (CRC) invites you to take part in our upcoming workshop grounded in the WES Community Relations Pact.

          WHEN: Saturday, 22 OCTOBER 2022  –   10 am – 2 pm (virtual only)

Together we will –

Explore what it means to be welcoming and the intersections of the diverse identities present at WES.

Develop a standard foundation for understanding the concept of being welcoming as an integral part of the pact WES continues to practice.

Introduce and engage in an initial discussion of micro aggression – what it is and, as bystander, how to recognize and interrupt it.

Our facilitators, Sana Saeed, Congregation Life Staff for the Central East Region of the UUA and Megan Foley, Regional Lead will guide us in navigating inclusion and belonging in our community.

This will complete the first series of trainings and set the CRC up for the current and new members to start a fresh set of engagements around the Pact.

Details here:

Register here: