With great excitement, the Board of Trustees announces that KC Slack will be the new Senior Leader for WES! At Sunday’s special membership meeting, 92% of WES members present, either in person or by Zoom, voted yes to confirm KC as our next leader. KC will start in August and we look forward to welcoming them and their spouse, Caitlin, into the WES family.

We want to express our deep gratitude to the Leader Search Committee (LSC) – Perry Beider, Julie Grimes, Marty Kaufman, Andrea Naranjo, Christine Parcelli, Susan Runner, and Jenna Umbriac. Through their many hours of hard work, using a thoughtful process that kept true to what WES members expressed as their deepest values, the LSC found an excellent candidate.
The 2021-2022 Board of Trustees (Abi Daken, Trang Duong, Sarah Morris, John Pfeifer, Vincent Tyler, Rajesh Vidyasagar, Mierka Willis)
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