Speaker: Amanda Poppei, Previous Senior Leader

Are We All Immigrants?

The butterfly has become a symbol for migrants–flying around the world, across borders, as part of its natural engagement in the world. And indeed, movement around the world has been a part of human history for as long as there have been humans! How do … read more.

Expecting Nothing

The Buddhist tradition teaches us that suffering comes from attachment–from our hopes and expectations. Join Amanda to consider what it would be like to live without expectations, and how that practice (even when done imperfectly!) can be a core technique for more satisfying relationships.

Unmet Expectations

We often find that grief, anger, even just annoyance come up when our expectations are unmet–when we had hopes for one thing and find that life turns out differently. It can be tempting to rush on to the next possibility, without giving space for ourselves … read more.

What Did They Expect?

As we mark our 75th anniversary, Amanda looks back at what the founders of WES might have expected–not just of our congregation, but of the world around them. Have we met those expectations? What might we expect in the next 75 years? And what does … read more.


A classic theater game invites us to say YES to whatever is presented within the imaginative bounds of the game. “Hey, you’re on a spaceship!” “Yes, I am!” In real life, we can’t, and shouldn’t, always say an unqualified yes. At the same time, there … read more.

Queer Is a Verb

As we celebrate Pride in DC, join us as we explore the evolving meaning of the concept of queerness. How is everyone’s world made more beautiful by the boundary-breakers who are expanding our understanding of gender identity and sexuality? And what’s up with those pronouns? … read more.