Speaker: Amanda Poppei, Previous Senior Leader

The Art of Parenting (Without Losing Your Love of Children)

9:30am & 11:30am. Parenting can be…tedious. So can almost every aspect of “adulting.” Getting up and going to work, sleeping for a bit and doing it all over again. Feeding and bathing the kids, on repeat. Cooking meals for yourself and doing the dishes…endlessly. Where’s the FUN in it all? With an eye toward the … Continue reading The Art of Parenting (Without Losing Your Love of Children)

Into the Woods!

9:30am (at the campsite) Join Amanda at the WES Camping Trip for a special platform around the picnic tables. The woods often call to us as a place of escape and mystery. What does it means to get lost in the woods? How do we embody the journey of the woods in our own lives?

Tearing It All Down

9:30 & 11:30am. We live in a capitalist society, and there’s nothing we can do about that. Or is there? Amanda examines what would happen if we radically reimagined our society. What would we envision for a world that was just for all? Come hear about capitalism, socialism, & anarchy! Music from Josh Blinder.

Money Makes the World Go Round (?)

9:30am & 11:30am. Often when we think about risk our mind goes to the stock market…investments, risk and reward, high-yield bonds. In fact, often our mind goes to money for all kinds of reasons. Amanda will explore our complicated relationship with money, income, socioeconomic status, and more.