Speaker: Lyn Cox

Pay Attention to Love Day

Feminist scholar and poet bell hooks wrote, “To love well is the task in all meaningful relationships, not just romantic bonds.” What might we learn about life and liberation from a broad practice of love?

Unwise and Untimely

In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., responded to criticisms from the white moderate about the urgency, timing, and techniques of the campaign for racial justice. In our times, how are responding to the fierce urgency of now?


After a week or so of the new year, how are we doing on our resolutions? Any time of year, there are ways of framing our efforts to help us stay committed to our highest values and shared goals.

Fire Celebration

How shall we re-imagine the year ahead? Bring your intentions for letting go and your intentions for fresh beginnings as we kindle a flame for the new year.

Stone Soup

In the story of Stone Soup, we learn we are more powerful and resilient together than we are alone, and that however small we think our gifts are, they are a beautiful and necessary ingredient in the larger whole.

Breathe and Push

In this third Platform in a series on “See No Stranger” by Valarie Kaur, we’ll discuss the personal and community disciplines of transitioning to a new way of being as a society. How do we care for ourselves and grow toward the future? Internal, interpersonal, … read more.

Tend the Wound

In “See No Stranger,” Valarie Kaur invites us to engage creatively with the interplay of ideas and values in our culture. Certainly, there is a place for rage when human rights and boundaries are violated. Some of us may have the capacity for listening across … read more.

Remembrance Sunday

We gather for an online Platform to remember our beloveds who have died, and to support our friends who mourn. We also turn our attention to some of the intangible aspects of our grief as we begin to emerge from the pandemic. Valarie Kaur invites … read more.

A Spark

Education is central to the mission and practice of Ethical Humanism.

Asters and Goldenrod

Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and grassroots activism are converging on a paradigm shift in how we relate to the earth. On this Indigenous People’s Day weekend, how are we shifting our attention to heed the wisdom, technology, and calls to action arising from Indigenous communities?