Question Box
Have questions? Get answers! Submit questions here ahead of time and hear KC’s answers, live! A platform for people of all ages.
Have questions? Get answers! Submit questions here ahead of time and hear KC’s answers, live! A platform for people of all ages.
All are welcome to join us at 10:30am in the Main hall or online at
In an intergenerational platform we’ll explore together what it means to invite one another — and potential new friends! — into community. What do you need to feel welcome? What might your neighbor need? How do we build practices of welcome for all ages? Bring a friend or two! All are invited to join us. Can’t … Continue reading Enter, Rejoice, & Come In
We’ll celebrate opening Sunday with a conversation about vision. What kinds of vision does our world need? What kinds of vision does our community need? How might we work together to find a vision so compelling it gets in the way of fear?
Doing democracy can take many forms. We’ll consider the plurality of available democratic processes, the potential pitfalls of attachment to one right way, and that democratic engagement shouldn’t end at the voting booth.
Considering and discussing some of the history of movements for workers’ rights, including the movement against child labor (and contemporary attempts to undo child labor laws) All are welcome to join us at 10:30am in the Main hall or online at Music by Perry Beider
The Washington Ethical Society holds a special place as the only congregation dually affiliated with Unitarian Universalism and Ethical Culture, an explicitly humanistic tradition founded in the late 19th century. Join us to explore vibrant, modern humanism as we are living into it! All are welcome to join us at 10:30am in the Main hall … Continue reading Vibrantly Humanistic
Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride at WES! We’ll come together to reflect on histories of LGBT+ liberation, celebrate our victories, and renew our commitments to the lives, safety, and flourishing of LGBTQ+ folks and us all Music by the WES Band: Jason Lange, Joe Foti, and Tom Bishop
As summer approaches, let’s consider practices that can help us renew our connections to ourselves, each other, our communities, and the earth. Music by Jeffrey Taggart and Karen Schofield-Leca
WES Teens who have participated in the Coming of Age program this year will share their reflections. Music from the DC Labor Chorus