When Its Over
Reflections on death, grief, and the importance of being present to your feelings. Music from Art Siebens. This Month’s Share the Plate: Solutions in Hometown Connections
Reflections on death, grief, and the importance of being present to your feelings. Music from Art Siebens. This Month’s Share the Plate: Solutions in Hometown Connections
Join us for our Sunday Platform Service at 10:30am! Bring a friend! All are welcome!
Join us for our Sunday Platform Service at 10:30am! Bring a friend! All are welcome!
Join us for our Sunday Platform Service at 10:30am! Bring a friend! All are welcome!
Join us to talk, think, and feel together about the coming year at WES.
As KC returns from vacation and study leave and we gear up for a new program year, we take a moment to reflect on our first year together, and the many histories that remain relevant to our community
Communities like WES, which are built on relationships, are communities constantly in motion. As we celebrate and induct the 2023-2024 WES Board of Trustees, we will consider how we as individuals and a community are shaped and changed by each person who shows up
In advance of a few Sundays away, KC encourages us to find ways to take a break
Capital Pride, Queer & Trans history and present, dreams of the future, and glitter… Because glitter makes everything better! Music from the WES Chorus