Speaker: WES Chorus

All Music: Faith in Human Goodness

WES’s Statement of Purpose proclaims our faith in human goodness—but that faith isn’t always easy to sustain. When our trust in our fellow humans falters, can the beauty and power of music help us restore it? Please join the WES Chorus and Band for a special all-music platform.

Journeys of Discovery and Pride: A Musical Odyssey in Nine Parts

On this ALL-MUSIC SUNDAY, the WES Chorus and Band will use the power of song to illustrate many phases of a life’s journey of self-discovery: from youthful enthusiasm to disillusionment and self-doubt, to the search for love, to hard-won self-awareness and self-acceptance, and beyond. Come join us for this special morning featuring show tunes, humanist … Continue reading Journeys of Discovery and Pride: A Musical Odyssey in Nine Parts

perseverance with a small ‘p’

All Music Sunday. What does it mean to persevere– not through big things, but on a daily basis? Join us as we explore one child’s story of perseverance, and discover our own. This special Sunday will bring a dose of beauty and whimsy.