Speaker: WES Members

Winter Festival

A day to not miss! Our annual Winter Festival celebration! Join us for a morning full of a winter solstice celebration that ends with a peace spiral and cookies! If you’re interested in being a part of the Winter Festival production, please email KC!

Stone Soup Sunday

Stone Soup Sunday is always a special Sunday in this community and we get to bring it back better than ever! Join the team creating Stone Soup Sunday by getting involved here. We will gather for the 10:30am platform service. Following the service, we will all join together to set up the tables and enjoy … Continue reading Stone Soup Sunday

Journeys of Discovery and Pride: A Musical Odyssey in Nine Parts

On this ALL-MUSIC SUNDAY, the WES Chorus and Band will use the power of song to illustrate many phases of a life’s journey of self-discovery: from youthful enthusiasm to disillusionment and self-doubt, to the search for love, to hard-won self-awareness and self-acceptance, and beyond. Come join us for this special morning featuring show tunes, humanist … Continue reading Journeys of Discovery and Pride: A Musical Odyssey in Nine Parts

Coming of Age

WES Teens who have participated in the Coming of Age program this year will share their reflections. Music from the DC Labor Chorus

Winter Festival

Saturday, December 16, 2-6pm Deck the Hall for Winter Festival WES Winter Festival is this Sunday, and to prepare, we need to Deck the Hall!Please join in on Saturday, December 16, from 2 to 6 pm to transform the Main Hall into a winter wonderland! Many hands make light work and no special skills are required — we’ll be … Continue reading Winter Festival

Our Future Is What We Make It

At WES, we have before us the challenge and the opportunity of greater volunteer leadership. Karen Schofield-Leca will share a bit of WES history of staff- and member-leadership, and highlight ways that we each can help to make WES the vibrant community we desire. Adam Briskin-Limehouse will officiate and Perry Beider will provide themed music. We’ll also hear from … Continue reading Our Future Is What We Make It

Pay Attention to Love Day

“Love is a Verb” For WES’s annual “Pay Attention to Love Day,” Sunday officiants Perry Beider, Judy Myers, Karen Schofield-Leca, and Rajesh Vidyasagar will have a roundtable conversation about love in action. Music by the WES chorus and band