This Sunday, April 28th, 2024, join your WES community in celebration of Spring Festival! We’ll start with platform at 10:30AM, during which we’ll consider the joy of our blossoming community, enjoy a flower ceremony, and welcome new members. If that weren’t exciting enough, we will also have a potluck after platform with plenty of time for socializing (and cake!). Finish up your aWESome Sunday by joining the CRC for the next installment of their Creating A Caring Community series.
To make Spring Festival as beautiful and fun as we can, we need your help!
Here are some ways you can pitch in:
- Bring flowers! (one, two, or a whole bouquet!)
- Click here to sign up to help decorate on Sunday morning.
- Click here to sign up to bring something for the potluck.
- Bring a friend!
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
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