TIE Groups
Hello WES Community!
WES is implementing a new program! We are creating a new program that we hope will be supportive of members—both new and long-standing—and continue to fulfill the WES Statement of Purpose.

We are creating a new program that has many similarities to our current Deepening Circle format, with strong intentions to make connections to the greater WES community. TIE (Together in Exploration) groups will be 7-10 member groups that will follow a monthly theme. Activities will highlight connections with programming at WES outside of the TIE group
In speaking with colleagues and experts in small group programs, we have come to realize that no single program can meet all of the needs that Deepening Circles were originally intended to meet. We do recognize that Deepening Circles meet certain needs very well. In Deepening Circles, members have created long-term, trusting relationships with each other. When a member of a Deepening Circle is going through a difficult time, others in their group are often the first to step up with practical support.
The success of Deepening Circles in creating long-lasting relationships also makes it a challenge to create space for new members to participate and to feel truly welcome in the middle of a group of people who are already bonded to each other. For members who are already involved at WES, a Deepening Circle can be a community within a community, and need not also provide orientation to WES. There is space for an alternate program that could provide consistent experiences between groups and connection to WES as a whole while also making a more accessible entry point for newcomers.
TIE groups will run on an annual basis; that is, members will sign up to meet from September through May. At the end of the program year, the groups will “untie” and complete their time together, and TIE group members can choose to sign up for a different group the following program year. Setting the expectation that groups will re-mix each year will help members explore and find friendships throughout WES. Making the groups time-limited creates space for graceful entrances and exits as participants’ needs and schedules change.
Participation in TIE groups is open to anyone who can make a commitment to meet consistently for the rest of that program year. Deepening Circle members are welcome to participate in both their current group and a TIE group if they so choose.
Please contact Maceo (maceot@ethicalsociety.org) to become part of a TIE group.
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