Topic: Awe


“Silence” Vincent Tyler and Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader. Join Vincent and Amanda to explore how silence functions in our often over-busy lives. How can we access silence–even for a moment–and how does it change us? Music from Nicole Rumeau, vocalist. 

Preparing for Awe: A Tour of World Religions

We all know we want to experience moments of awe–but you can’t exactly plan them out! Religious and meditative traditions, however, have historically offered ways to ready ourselves for those experiences. Join Amanda to learn about practices around the world, and how they relate to our own humanist tradition. Music from Josh Blinder. 

Winter Festival: Peace, Hope, Love, Joy, Giving…and Awe!

Gretchen Weigel, Director; Tony Nam, scriptwriter. Join our amazing cast of children and adults as they journey through stories from around the world to discover our Winter Festival values. This beloved play incorporates music and congregational participation. Music from the WES music program. Join us afterward for cocoa, cookies, and crafts.

Awe Lives In the Details

We often think of the experience of awe as occurring in the “big moments,” but awe can also live in the smallest details.  Join Laura to discuss the ways we can feel awe in small and quiet moments and encounter wonder through the tiny details of our lives. Music from singer/songwriter LEA.