Topic: Imagination

Superhero Values

Superhero stories in popular culture are fictional, yet they contain themes that remind us about making ethical choices. Let’s explore how these stories help us to come to terms with the past, grapple with power and responsibility, and team up as a source of strength.

Replacing Magical Thinking with Rational Discourse: How can freethinkers help restore democracy?

The platform will be shared by representatives from all twenty-five national Ethical Societies and will feature music from the Washington Ethical Society Chorus, Jaque DuPree and Barry Kornhauser, with presiders Vandra Thorburn, Elaine Durbach and Lyn Cox.

As we face this historical moment, when cult thinking … read more.


The origins of the universe, at least to the best of our knowledge. show that we are related to all life, and that we are connected atomically to all matter. Science leads to awe and wonder while maintaining rationality.


Working toward a better world, a world of racial justice and an end to interlocking oppressions, requires imagination. On this weekend when we remember the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., let’s also consider both the history of civil rights and the unbounded creativity of … read more.