WES Blog — First Community Relations Pact Workshop on April 18th

(Nonviolent Communication–NVC) 

Register soon!!

The Community Relations Committee (CRC) is happy to announce that our first workshop in a series related to the Community Relations Pact has been scheduled for April 18th from 12:30-3:30 PM.

In our August Blog, the Community Relations Committee (CRC) reflected on the development of the WES Pact with its four substantive areas conveying communication skills, behaviors, and attitudes: improving communication, sustaining positive relationships, resolving conflicts, and building healthy community.  In December, we sought your input about what would be the most effective and impactful ways for us to focus our attention on improving how we communicate with each other more effectively. We also solicited your ideas on how to convey them most effectively using virtual platforms.  We appreciate the feedback you sent us.  You made quite a few good suggestions, which we will try to incorporate.

The purpose of this three-hour Nonviolent Communication (NVC) workshop is to introduce participants to skills that can help them speak and listen to themselves and others with greater empathy and care. This can go a long way towards understanding others better and making ourselves understood more effectively.  Kathy Carroll, an NVC facilitator and practitioner, will be supported during this presentation by Douglass Farnum, also an NVC facilitator and practitioner.  WES members who have worked with Kathy speak very highly of her work. The workshop will be experiential and will include short lectures, skills practice, small group work, role plays, short videos, and question time.

We encourage you to sign up for this workshop using Sign-up Genius so we can know how many people to plan for.  Closer to the time of the workshop we’ll send a Zoom link to all who have registered.

Please contact us at CRC@ethicalsociety.org with any questions.

Jo London, Chair, Laura Tyler, and Randy Myers, CRC members