WES Blog — If you build it…

One of the things that happens in my job is people send me an email and say “can you talk?” I never know what the conversation will be about–sometimes it’s a concern they’d like to share, sometimes they’re wanting pastoral support, sometimes they have a book recommendation! I’m happy to have all of those conversations…but perhaps the ones I like best go like this: 

“Can I start a [book group][writing club][singles group]?” “Could we hold a [gathering for parents][open mic night][potluck dinner with every dish featuring beets]?” “Might I help with [teaching][immigration support][music]?” 

Um, YES (well, except the beets). 

I love that WES is a place where people bring their big ideas and their small ideas, their any-size ideas for ways that we can be better connected or serve our mission more fully. As long as the idea fits within our congregational Ends [link]–and pretty much anything that helps us to create justice, connect with each other, or connect with our inner selves will fit that bill–then I am excited to give a big yes. 

And, to figure out how the staff can resource and support that idea…whether that’s Robyn Kravitz helping to find a space at WES or to advertise the new group, or Ndara Miles setting up childcare so parents can participate, or Maceo Thomas reaching out to other members who might be interested, or me thinking through how to shape the activity to include as many people as possible. 

We’ve had a little explosion in ideas like this recently: a Writing Group that Shelby French is organizing, a special workshop on caring for people with dementia from Compassion and Choices that John Campbell is spearheading, a SciFi Book Group that several WES members have started, a new Solo@WES group that is emerging from a brunch on MLK weekend. (If you want to know more about any of that, please email me and I’ll connect you with the right people!). Earlier this year, Just the Talk came out of an idea Cynna Janus had, and we all know the WES Band just keeps adding in everyone who plays a guitar. Or a drum. Tin whistle is next…

All of this is a spirit of creativity and possibility that I love seeing. Of course we are always glad to connect you in to groups and programs that are already happening. And, if you have an idea for a new way for WES to gather, for WES folks to build deeper relationships, or for WES to build a more just world–you know what to do! Just send me an email and ask, “can we talk?” 
