Wow. To think it is the end of June is hard to fathom. Wasn’t yesterday March? April and May were in there somewhere, we’re told! Nonetheless, the summer is upon us. The WES staff will be here helping make sure we all stay connected despite our continued remote status.

Tom, our Business Administrator, will be serving as the head of the staff for July. If you have any questions about how to pay your pledge or need your information in the directory edited, Tom’s your guy! He has been diligently working with our long time rental folks and the board to ensure that when we open, the building will be ready to welcome us all back!
Maceo, as Membership Coordinator, will be hopping in and out of the Zoom check-ins. There are some pretty cool themed check-ins coming out this summer! He’s been working on a coordinating the amazing artists at WES. Maceo is also running our next set of Path to Membership courses! With all of us still trying to stay healthy and at home, now is the perfect time to invite a friend to “visit” WES. Tag them the Facebook live at platform, or forward them an email with our schedule. Maceo is really looking forward to connecting with our digital visitors!
Robyn, the Communications Coordinator, will be chugging away at the Zoom meeting schedules and email communications. You can still expect to see a weekly blog on Tuesdays, News and Notes on Thursday, Sunday links on Saturday evening and other emails throughout the week from WES. Our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages are still up and running! If you see something that you think a friend would be interested in, we encourage you to tag them or share our posts.
Ndara, the SEEK Assistant, will continue to push our resources to WES families and youth. Using emails, social media, and more, she will be working to keep the kids at WES connected this summer. The SEEK newsletter will be a great resource for all of the SEEK happenings.
We look forward to welcoming Lara as the new Director of Lifelong Learning in mid-July. And then welcoming Lyn as the Interim Senior Leader at the beginning of August! We can’t wait to “see” y’all this summer!
Stay aWESome,
WES Staff: Tom Hutton, Maceo Thomas, Robyn Kravitz, & Ndara Miles
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