WES Blog — “The beat goes on…”

Greetings from the Music Director Search Team! We wanted to share a little bit about our process (and where we are IN the process), and thank everyone who has offered engagement, ideas, and support so far. 

As you know, we said goodbye to our 8-year Music Director Bailey Whiteman at the end of September, in a music-filled and gratitude-filled final platform together. WES was lucky that Gerri Matthews, a colleague of Bailey’s, was able to jump in and work with our Chorus and Youth Voices right away. Gerri led chorus rehearsals from the beginning of October through Winter Festival, bringing lots of enthusiasm despite her long commute from Loudon (!) to be with us. Since Winter Festival, Youth Voices has been on hiatus and the Chorus and Band have been rehearsing on their own. The Band provided all the music for an awesome platform on January 5, and Chorus provided beautiful music for January 19. And, of course, we’ve had some of our favorite guest musicians with us on other Sundays. 

That’s what has been happening with music at WES “in the interim.” But what about moving into the future? The Music Director Search Team (that’s us) assembled in November and held several listening sessions–with the Chorus and Youth Voices, and with anyone from the community–in December. We also received thoughts and feedback via email from several of you; thank you! Using that information and our own hopes and experiences around music at WES, we prepared a job description and listed the position in mid-December, with an application deadline of January 23. 

That’s right…the job search is still open! If you know someone who you think would be great as WES’ next Music Director (or someone who might know someone), please send them the link: http://ethicalsociety.org/now-hiring-music-director/

Right now, we are reviewing the applications we’ve already received, and waiting for the deadline to determine the next step in the process. Our hope is to begin interviews, following our hiring policies and practices; we will likely “audition” the final few candidates with a rehearsal so we have a chance to observe them in action! 

We are appreciative of all the thoughts you’ve shared already about your hopes for the direction of music at WES–they not only help us in our work, but they will also be great information for an incoming Music Director as they get to know our community. (For the curious: we heard lots of hopes for continued work with our youth, wishes around energy and engagement in our musical experience, a desire for many and diverse musical styles, and a commitment to both musical excellence AND the sense of community that music creates. So, you know, no big expectations or anything.)

Although we’re still several process steps and likely at least a month away from an announcement, we have enjoyed the search so far and are looking forward to what the next few weeks will bring! 

Music Director Search Team

Perry Beider, Jason Fettig, Judy Oppenheim Myers, John Pfeifer, Vincent Tyler 

Tom Hutton, Administrator, HR staff lead

Amanda Poppei, Senior Leader, hiring supervisor