WES Blog — The WES/Venn Diagram

Greetings and health to everyone,.

“WES is a space for all sorts of people. People give you space to be who you are. You don’t have to fit in a box.” 

These are different versions of similar themes that I hear how members describe the WES community.  At our staff meeting last week, Lyn asked staff to share one thing we appreciate about WES.  “WES is full of all kinds of resources and gifts,” was my contribution. 

As we continue through month five of what I call These Times, we are finding new ways to share our gifts and talents and loves and interests with each other.  The “chat box” on Sunday zoom platform is our new connection weekly connection point.  Coffee hour break out chats have thrown people together randomly to create new lines of connections and rekindle old.  

As I scan the calendar, just this week I see new creations of connections being demonstrated and others revived.  WES, and communities are stronger as more members are connected to one another.  Yet, that doesn’t require everyone has to be connected to everyone.  There may only be two who are interested in railroad manifests from the 1930s.  Or a couple dozen runners in the community.  The Venn diagram of WES has huge overlaps and very, eeny, weeny tiny overlaps.  

Continue to check the WES calendar, determine what might be missing for you and let’s create it.  Use our time together in coffee hour to share how you want to explore your gift, create a new hobby, discuss more topics that WES cares about.  Contact me if you need support.  I’m at maceot@ethicalsociety.org.


-Maceo Thomas, Membership Coordinator