WES Financial Status 2022


I’m writing on behalf of the finance team to keep the membership informed about our current financial position and what we’re looking at as we move into the summer.

This update includes information on the following:

-Our deficit of $80k and its staffing impact

-Ways you can help WES make up for the shortfall

-How to stay up to date on WES Finances

Our Deficit

In December, I wrote from the Finance team to let you know about our expected year end deficit. At the time, the deficit was projected to be around $50,000 at the end of the fiscal year. In the most recent quarter, this expected deficit increased, largely due to the unavoidable postponement of the WES’s annual fundraising auction to the Fall. Our current deficit is $96,253.

Because of the deficit, the Board and staff have agreed it is not financially possible to fill the half-time Assistant Administrator position that was planned to coincide with Business Administrator Tom Hutton’s partial retirement this spring. Tom has moved to half time, making the Senior Leader the only full time employee. Some Business Administrator tasks are shifting to other staff members, some tasks are shifting to volunteers, and some tasks will be dropped as we adjust to the new staffing model. Patience and support for this transition is appreciated. 

I know the amount of the deficit might seem daunting to many of you. A clearer way to get a feel for the number is to consider that it comes to a little over $250 per WES member. 

How you can help

This week, we are launching a fundraising campaign to close this gap, culminating with the WES Reunion Field Day event on May 14. Look for more details on the spring special campaign later this week.

There are a few ways that you as a WES member can help reduce the deficit. First, if you have it in your heart and pocket book to make an additional donation this Spring, of any size, please do so. It would make a big difference to the financial stability of WES. Members are also encouraged to pay their 2021-2022 pledge in full by June 30th and to make a pledge for the coming year if they have not yet gotten the time to. Knowing what members plan to pledge, no matter the amount, helps significantly with planning. 

Secondly, please consider what you can contribute to the auction in the Fall. Big ticket items in the past have included hosted events, tickets to local events, and use of vacation properties. If those sorts of things don’t fall into what you have to offer, that’s ok! Clean out your closet, bake some bread, offer babysitting services, every donation helps, so please think about what you can give to be auctioned off by our awesome auction team. 

In addition, you can donate your time. As mentioned above, with Tom Hutton having changed to part time, there are a lot of tasks that have shifted and staff could really use your help with their increased responsibilities, particularly with rentals, which are critical to our income flow. Volunteering to clean and organize WES spaces would help with rentals, serving on the Building Team would help with rentals, as would serving part time as a rental sexton. If you can help with any of these tasks or teams,  please email Tomh@ethicalsociety.org

Staying financially aware

Lastly, please do your best to remain actively aware of WES’s financial information. Monthly financial reports are available on the member section of our website. While I’ll be the first to say that finance is rarely the most interesting dinner conversation, our financial stability is a base need that allows WES to manage the logistics behind the services we all enjoy as members and to live our values by paying staff fair wages for the work they do. One way to remain aware about WES finances is by attending stewardship meetings once a month. These meetings will also provide information on concrete steps you can take to help keep WES financially stable into the future.

Mierka Willis

Treasurer, WES Board of Trustees ‘21-’22