Perry Beider, Adam Briskin-Limehouse, Ed Elder, Julie Grimes, Sonja Kueppers, and John Pfeifer invite you to join them for games and lunch at WES on July 2nd. Details are provided below; please contact Perry ( with any remaining questions.

We hope you can join us for playtime on the 2nd!
What’s the schedule for the event?
There will be no Sunday platform that day, so we’ll get right into the table games (i.e., card games, board games) at the usual 10:30 am starting time. We’ll break for lunch and schmoozing at noon. At 12:30, those who feel like getting up from their lunch tables can come to the social hall for half an hour of icebreaker get-to-know-you games. There will be time for more table games starting at 1:00. We’re tentatively planning to close up shop by 2:30, but who knows—the good times may just keep rolling!
Got afternoon plans? Come in the morning and leave before or after lunch! Not a morning person? Show up at noon for lunch, at 12:30 for icebreaker games, or 1:00 for round 2 of the table games!
Who’s bringing the games?
The organizers will bring plenty of board and card games, but everyone is invited to bring a favorite or two to share.
Did you say “lunch”?
Yes indeed! Think “classier than pizza, but less impressive than Schmoozapalooza.” A donation of $5 for lunch will be suggested, with any excess funds passed on to WES. PLEASE RSVP to Sonja ( ), so she can estimate how much food to buy!
Will this event be suitable for families?
We will have kid-friendly table games, and Adam will bring his ladder-toss lawn game, but will not supervise its use. Offers to oversee other outdoor activities or games would be very welcome!
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