1 JULY 2019 —

WES Community Relations Pact

At the request of the WES Board and Senior Leader Amanda Poppei, the community created and, at the June 2019 membership meeting, voted to accept the WES Community Relations Pact.  See the Community Relations Pact here.

During the next year, the Community Relations Committee (CRC) welcomes each member of our community, including our youth, to engage with the Pact and talk to us about how you integrate it into your own life.  Ask questions, explore these ideas.  Reach us via email at crc@ethicalsociety.org; stop by the CRC feedback table; and watch for our sponsored activities, including workshops with practice opportunities.

The process for how the Pact was developed follows.

How the Pact Was Developed

The CRC is charged with supporting all WES members in developing healthy communications, especially during times of conflict.

At the request of the WES board and Senior Leader Amanda Poppei, the CRC invited WES members to help shape an important new document to strengthen our interactions with each other.  In these times of dislocation, disruption, isolation, and conflict, we hope that together we can put into practice the best of our values as we all navigate external and internal challenges in our community.

The CRC decided to develop the new document by building off of our Statement of Purpose (SOP).  At the June 2018 membership meeting, CRC members led an exercise in which the SOP sections were listed on large pieces of butcher paper hung around the meeting hall, as well as placed on tables, along with examples of what we were looking for.  Attendees at the meeting then discussed and shared their ideas.  Throughout the next year we also conducted an online survey, held small group meetings to solicit ideas, collected feedback after platforms, and then reviewed every single suggestion.  A draft was presented to the community for further comment and suggestions.  A revised document was voted on and accepted at the June 2019 membership meeting.
