Wednesdays at WES
Join us for the revamping of Wednesdays at WES!

2023-2024 Wednesday at WES Dates:
- October 18
- November 29
- December 20
- January 17
- February 21
- March 20
If you have a group that is looking for meeting space, consider joining us for dinner and having your meeting at WES! Just email to get your event added to the calendar!
Wednesday at WES offering:
- Spaghetti and Salad dinner — There will be gluten free and vegetarian options plus a garden salad. Bring a dessert or side dish to share!
- Financial Literacy Class for Kids and Youth — the depth of the curriculum will vary based upon the ages of the kids in the room. But each month will have a different topic. When you child or youth attends all 6 classes, they will receive a certificate of completion and be honored at a Sunday Platform in the spring!
- WES Chorus Rehearsal — Join the WES chorus for their rehearsal!
- Do you have a class you’d like to teach or a skill you’d like to share? Email the WES office and get your space reserved and on the calendar!
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